Historical Note A response from a juror that requires elaboration may be the subject of further questioning of that juror by counsel on an individual basis. (a) Upon any motion for summary judgment, other than a motion made pursuant to CPLR 3213, the court may direct that there shall be annexed to the notice of motion a separate, short and concise statement, in numbered paragraphs, of the material facts as to which the moving party contends there is no genuine issue to be tried. In addition to complying with the provisions of CPLR 2101, every paper filed in court shall have annexed thereto appropriate proof of service on all parties where required, and if typewritten, shall have at least double space between each line, except for quotations and the names and addresses of attorneys appearing in the action, and shall have at least one-inch margins. filed Jan. 6, 2003 eff. We hear more than three million cases a year involving almost every type of endeavor. The submission of direct testimony in affidavit form shall not affect any right to conduct cross-examination or re-direct examination of the witness. This is a motion for or related to interim maintenance or child support . . (iii) Correction. (b) By a date agreed to by the parties or at such time set by the Court, the responding party shall serve the Responses contemplated by Rule 11-e(a)(ii), which shall set forth specifically: (i) whether the objection(s) interposed pertains to all or part of the request being challenged; (ii) whether any documents or categories of documents are being withheld, and if so, which of the stated objections forms the basis for the responding party's decision to withhold otherwise responsive documents or categories of documents; and (iii) the manner in which the responding party intends to limit the scope of its production. No surprise that corporations like Chevron with cases At the discretion of the judge, the limits established may consist of a general period for the completion of the questioning, a period after which attorneys shall report back to the judge on the progress of the voir dire, and/or specific time periods for the questioning of Panels of jurors or individual jurors. Historical Note Any representative participating in the conference, whether in person, telephonically or by video conference, shall be fully authorized to dispose of the case, as required by CPLR Rule 3408(c). 11. 202.6 Request for judicial intervention (iv) the clerk of a village which has enacted a local law, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 3 of section 1402 of the Real Property Tax Law, providing that the village shall cease to be an assessing unit and that village taxes shall be levied on a copy of the part of the town or county assessment roll. This section shall apply when related actions are pending in the courts of the Unified Court System in more than one judicial district and it may be appropriate for these actions to be coordinated pursuant to the criteria and procedures set forth in this section. Copies of the reports of the examining medical providers, complying with the requirements of subdivision (c) of this section, shall be served within 10 days after completion of such further examination. _________, Contract Part 40 (vi) Self-represented litigants may submit handwritten applications provided that the handwriting is legible and otherwise in conformity with all applicable rules. (c) Jury Trials. (c) Commencement of Small Claims Sidewalk Assessment Review Proceeding. review proceed. An attorney may exercise a second, single peremptory challenge within the round only after all other attorneys have either exercised or waived their first peremptory challenges. Upon the trial, expert witnesses shall be limited in their proof of appraised value to details set forth in their respective appraisal reports. (3) Within seven days of filing the petition with the County Clerk, the petitioner personally shall deliver or send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the petition to the Commissioner of Transportation of the City of New York or the commissioner's designee. Exhibits not previously demanded which are to be used solely for credibility or rebuttal need not be pre-marked. (h) This Rule does not preclude a deposition by any other procedure allowed by the CPLR. The Chief Administrator shall submit a report no later than the first day of November of each year to the Governor, and to the legislative leaders set forth in section 10-a(2) of chapter 507 of the Laws of 2009, on the adequacy and effectiveness of the settlement conferences, which shall include number of adjournments, defaults, discontinuances, dismissals, conferences held and the number of defendants appearing with and without counsel. 202.5-bb. Order of Reference & Default Judgment (e) Applications for approval of an infant's or incapacitated person's compromise shall be made returnable before the judge who presided over the compromise or, where the agreement was reached out-of-court, before the appropriate assigned judge. (6) The Court shall alert the parties to the requirements of 22 NYCRR 202.20-c regarding requests for documents; 202.20-e regarding adherence to discovery schedule, and 202.20-f regarding discovery disputes, and shall address the issues of potential for default, preclusion, denial of discovery, drawing inferences, or deeming issues to be true, as well as sanctions and/or counsel fees in the event default or preclusion or such other remedies are not appropriate in a matrimonial action. Rule 2. An action in which there has been an inability by a jury to reach a verdict, a mistrial or a new trial granted by the trial justice or an appellate court shall be rescheduled for trial. Sec. (1) Any person interested in an assignment for the benefit of creditors may appear either in person or by attorney. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amd. Issues raised by the motion and not resolved at the conference shall be determined by the court. If more than one application for such authority is subsequently made, the petition must set forth, by a statement of receipts, disbursements and expenses, the result of the continuance of such business for or during the period for which the same was previously authorized. Documents that are required to be filed and served electronically in accordance with this section or paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of section 202.5-bb of these rules may nevertheless be filed and served in hard copy where required by statute or court order, where the document is an application that may by statute be presented without notice, or provided the document is accompanied by the affirmation or affidavit of the filing attorney or unrepresented litigant stating that: (1) a deadline for filing and service fixed by statute, rule or order of the court will expire on the day the document is being filed and served or on the following business day; and (2) the attorney, filing agent therefor , or unrepresented litigant is unable to file and serve such document electronically because of technical problems with his or her computer equipment or Internet connection. To express their consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Division, parties may include specific language in their contract, such as: "THE PARTIES AGREE TO SUBMIT TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMERCIAL DIVISION, NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT, WHICH SHALL HEAR ANY DISPUTE, CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE VALIDITY, BREACH, ENFORCEMENT OR TERMINATION THEREOF. The contract can be renewable (annually, monthly) or lifelong in the case of private insurance. (required only where the motion relates to disclosure or to a bill of particulars), Pursuant to CPLR 2214(b), answering affidavits, if any, are required to be served upon the undersigned at least seven days before the return date of this motion. Hon. (ii) Where practicable, all orders to show cause, motions or cross-motions for relief should be made in one order to show cause or motion or cross-motion. The Notice shall further provide that the defendant contact the court by telephone, no later than seven days before the conference is scheduled, to advise whether the defendant will be able to attend the scheduled conference. (a) A notice or subpoena may name as a deponent a corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government, or governmental subdivision, agency or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity. (f) No case otherwise eligible to be noticed for trial may be noticed unless there has been compliance with this rule, or an order dispensing with compliance or extending the time therefor has been obtained; or, where the party to be examined was served a notice as provided in subdivision (a) of this section, and the party so served has not responded thereto. If a medical malpractice action, there has been compliance with any order issued pursuant to section 202.56 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator (22 NYCRR 202.56). (d)(1) In accordance with CPLR 2102(c), a County Clerk and a chief clerk of the Supreme Court or County Court, as appropriate, shall refuse to accept for filing papers filed in actions and proceedings only under the following circumstances or as otherwise provided by statute, Chief Administrator's rule or order of the court: (1) The Chief Administrator of the Courts shall establish Panels of small claims hearing officers found qualified to hear small claims tax assessment review proceedings pursuant to title 1-A of Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law and Panels of small claims hearing officers found qualified to hear small claims sidewalk assessment review proceedings pursuant to section 19-152.3(d) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York. There is no Settlement Agreement entered between the parties; and it is further In counties in which electronic filing is authorized by the Chief Administrator, the petition may or shall be filed electronically through the New York State Courts Electronic Filing System ("NYSCEF") within the deadline set forth above. When the tape is filed with the clerk of the court, the clerk shall give an appropriate receipt for the tape and shall provide secure and adequate facilities for the storage of videotape recordings. (1) Within 60 days after joinder of issued by all defendants named in the complaint in an action for medical, dental or podiatric malpractice, or after the time for a defaulting party to appear, answer or move with respect to a pleading has expired, the plaintiff shall obtain an index number and file a notice of such medical, dental or podiatric malpractice action with the appropriate clerk of the county of venue, together with: (i) proof of service of the notice upon all other parties to the action; (ii) proof that, if demanded, authorizations to obtain medical, dental and hospital records have been served upon the defendants in the action; (iii) copies of the summons, notice of appearance and all pleadings, including the certificate of merit if required by CPLR 3012-a; (iv) a copy of the bill of particulars, if one has been served; (v) a copy of any arbitration demand, election of arbitration or concession of liability served pursuant to CPLR 3045; and. 202.16-b Submission of Written Applications in Contested Matrimonial Actions.
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